Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Scorcher -- jcarolek

Today was another scorcher here.  100? 102? I really have no idea.  But it was hot, of that I am certain.  I'd had this plan of actually making it to church this morning, obviously, not being able to play the guitar as usual, but certainly I could still sing with the choir.  Joe agreed to drive me, drop me off, head to the house and pick up a load in the van, and then return to pick me up from church.

I went to sleep around midnight, and awoke at 3:30 AM...arm was hurting.  After getting a drink of water, I returned to the couch where I am spending my post-surgical nights, and drifted back to sleep.  At 4:15 AM I was awake again.  This time I took a helping of ibuprofen, along with more water.  Back once more on the couch, it occurred to me....ummm... I can't exactly bathe well, with my arm so completely out of commission...and it is really all I can do to dress myself in my overalls.... Sunday attire would be a real challenge...and, my left-handed attempts at pulling my hair up and securing it out of my face and off of my neck, are successful, but, let's just say, I look just a WEE bit unkempt.  

So it was, that as dawn was breaking on this fine Sunday morning, I decided that missing church today would be a better choice....for me, and for those who would be sitting next to me, should I attend.

And I never even left the property today...I did manage to get three loads of laundry washed and hung, a LITTLE gardening done and cut a lot of brush for the goats, who never left their yard today either!

After bringing in all of the laundry and wiping the sweat off my face for the 100th time, I decided it was time I retire to the cool of the air conditioning....

It's now nearly 11:00 PM and I am FINALLY feeling cool....  and tomorrow is supposed to be another scorcher!

Well, perhaps I will sleep a little better tonight, but regardless, tomorrow we will head over to Williamsburg where the drainage tube will be removed from my arm, allowing me (I hope) to be able to do a little more work around here!  Oh, and taking a shower one day soon is going to feel SOOOO good!