Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Back and Forth and a Path -- jcarolek

The first day of each month is a time I set aside for reflection and to look ahead at the possibilities.

October was a full month. My best friend married and I was her matron of dubious honor. My loved one made baby steps back along the familiar path of recovery, though the steps this time are more carefully taken. My daughter successfully established her floral design business in Napa, CA. My son, with his girlfriend and his best friend from childhood successfully established their data archiving business,

in Newport News, VA. I continued to do the work I am paid well to do for the company who has employed my services for eighteen years. I have grown my eBay business, adding a new line of offerings – e-books. I’m proud of my e-books, for, while they have yet to become best sellers, my customers have been pleased. I offer them with no advertising or imbedded links, thereby, providing the safest product for my customers. Everything I offer in my e-books is from my own experience, and thoughts.

November promises to bring continued strength and hope to my loved one as the path to recovery becomes wider and the steps become less tentative. My son and daughter will grow their very different businesses. I will continue to provide the best service I can, both to my full-time employer and to my customers at Judy’s Corner. And I will continue to write and offer my e-books for sale, enjoying the opportunity to share a little, for a little, and giving new eBayers a nice, safe way to earn a little positive feedback.

I also look forward to the holidays, though I know this year will be different from those I have had of late. The holidays will be particularly hard for my mother-in-law, my husband and his sister, as it will be their first since their husband/father passed away. The holidays will be different for my daughter who will spend her first Thanksgiving and Christmas away from her East Coast family.

But, the days will march on, the animals will keep me in line, and I will enjoy the unexpected gifts bestowed upon me, while taking care in carrying those burdens which are also mine.

Have a great November everyone. Take a look back, a look ahead and help others widen their path. Happy First!!!

Take a look can see the dangers more easily now...

Take a look ahead...anything is possible....

Help widen the path for others as they, too, make their way through the woods...

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