Saturday, March 17, 2012

Inarticulate Am I -- But NEVER Insanely Brief!!

My last post found its way to the discussion forums of the survivalists.  Odd, perhaps, but true.  Apparently, my brief account of the random search to which our funeral limousine was subjected, was of some interest to folks who enjoy discussions about... ummm... I guess, survivalist stuff. How do I know this?  Well, as all of my readers can plainly see, I have a Sitemeter counter on my blog.  It keeps track of how many visitors I have and the referring urls that brought the readers to my blog.  No big secret.

Yesterday, Joe noted that I'd had a pretty big jump in the number of visitors being reported by the counter, and I became curious.  I didn't see anything particularly interesting in that post over any other that would have drawn readers in such numbers.  Lo and behold, most of the traffic was originating from this survivalist discussion board.  So I went to look.... to discover the source of the interest.

I had to laugh when I read the discussion.  What had been a simple ho-hum statement about being stopped for a random search, had resulted in discussions that clearly missed my point.  My point was simple.  The funeral limousine was stopped. The DC Police who stopped it stated they were performing a random search of the limousine. The limousine driver conveyed this to us as the policeman opened the door to, "search" it.  My point in sharing it was a simple acknowledgement, to myself, if to nobody else, that this is no longer the America in which I grew up.  Things have changed.

The discussion board comments varied from those disgusted by the fact that the limousine had been pulled over for the random search to those declaring it was NOT a random search, from those who found it to be a violation of our constitutional rights, to those who found it to be perfectly acceptable, because some 15 - 20 years ago some casket maker was using the funeral limousines to smuggle drugs.   But for me, the most absurdly poignant comment was made by someone who clearly found that even taking the time to click on the link to read my post was a colossal waste of time.  I am quoting their comment here, so I can always refer back to it, in times when I need a good laugh.

"Nothing to see here. A brief investigatory stop and nothing more, not a search under the fourth amendment and therefore there is no issue. Without further details it is impossible to say this is anything nefarious. For all the blog writer knows the police could have been acting in good faith on information that there was a problem that needed their intervention. A quick look and verification that nothing was amiss is not a search under any construct of the word, no matter how twisted.

"I was expecting some sort of news story at the link, not some random person's poorly worded, inarticulate and insanely brief statement with no other background info. This thread is a failure, times ten. Next?"

I laughed out loud...literally....when I read the words, "insanely brief."  In all of my time writing, poorly worded and inarticulate as I may be, I have NEVER been accused of being brief, much less, INSANELY BRIEF!!

Thanks for the good laugh.

Now that the survivalists have deemed my post a complete waste of time, I suppose I will return to the few visitors I enjoy on a regular basis.  That works for me.  I write and post for my family and friends.  If I manage to inadvertently spark the interest of some sort of discussion board, I guess I should be honored.  But it was genuinely not intended.  It is, however, interesting to read things others post about you when they think you won't be dropping in to read them!

And, for the rest of my fun today....well, we dug more in the pond, mowed lawns, weeded gardens... you know, the stuff that Spring is made of.  Next post will be more newsy.  I just had to share my inarticulate, insanely brief belly laugh.


Anonymous said...

LOL!... this all reminds me of another popular blog site where once upon a time great such fun was had in similar fashion of critique...

technically i do think your incident, though described with insane briefness, qualifies as a 'search' in the sense that doors were opened to an area other than that occupied by the driver, which exceeds searches permitted under the Vehicle Code...

but be that as it may, your 'brief' comment didn't give the impression that you were "complaining" about the incident, but rather sharing your observations about the police state which has come to be the washington of today - - and that is how i took it...

if i may afford my own brief comment: in my day the police provided escorts for military funerals, rather than searches... ironically, if such courtesies continued today in washington d.c., then alas, your limo would have needed no searching since the police would have been there paying their respects instead...

but hey, what do i know... one thing is clear, and that is that we do indeed live in a different world today... and i hope that my own comment makes up for your any briefness ... take care judy, keep writing...

Gorges Smythe said...

There's a chance, I guess, that my link to your blog caused some of the attention given you by the survivalists. If so, I apologize for any self-righteous comments made by folks less than genteel in their ways. I just thought it was a disgusting sign of the times and thought I'd pass it along to my readers.

Judy's Corner said...

Hey Gorges!

Thanks, yes, I saw your post and was fine with it. I don't even mind that the discussion board decided to discuss it. Everything I put out there in my blog is fair game.

I honestly found the one comment funny, because I am always so longwinded!

No apology needed!

Unknown said...

Hahaha I have had similar comments and weirdly disconnected links to my blog as well. Cyberspace if full of surprises! But now I really wanna read the limo post....

Chris said...

Better be more careful, Judy, they will be calling you to lead a protest march! LOL! Some people look between the lines way to much!