This will be short post, word-wise. I am limited to a single hand for typing, and, though my typing is never great, one handed typing is particularly ugly! Still, I think the pictures will tell the story.
Loading hay into the barn
Building new goat pen
Installing new goat sheds
Installing rain gutters in barns
Surprise baby rabbits born June 4
Many days of burning brush piles
Two hens going broody together
Ripe gooseberries
Yucca in bloom
Grapes -- the vines are loaded
Spinach going to seed, kohlrabi growing
Judy picking berries
First baby chicks hatched June 16
Mamas and babies
Babies digging along with Mamas
Eggs still incubating
Installed newly made mantle and hearth
Puppies -- Almost 6 months old
Joe finished -- yes FINISHED the trim painting and caulking
Volunteer sunflowers
Old high school friend and her husband
came to the farm to visit
Fresh fruit cobbler
Mean looking lizard -- he bites!
9 day old baby bunnies
18 day old bunnies
Finished stairs in old farmhouse
First planned pregnancy was successful --
11 baby rabbits born June 28
Jenn on her 30th birthday,
with the delightful Miss Eloise
Yes, I broke my wrist on Friday
So, now for a little explanation and a cool story.
Friday, late afternoon, when I had the puppies out for their evening run, one of them plowed into me as she
was obediently returning to their yard... a quick trip to the ER later
and the broken left wrist was confirmed.
God works in mysterious ways, indeed.
Splinted and awaiting my Monday
appointment with the orthopedic doctor, I have been dealing with a fair
amount of pain, but have been dealing with even more frustration. One
handed cooking, cleaning, bathing, changing clothes, putting long hair
up, feeding dozens of farm animals.... well, suffice to say that by Saturday afternoon I had determined that attendance at church today, much less singing with the choir, was out of the question.
I called my choir director to let her know my decision (translated --
to whine and garner sympathy) and she assured me they'd survive without
me, and encouraged me to return when I was ready.
This morning I
awoke after a rather restless night. I decided to try to do as much as
I could one handed. Amazingly, I was able to do EVERYTHING I needed to
do, including putting up my long hair. After I finished feeding all of
the critters, I decided God was sending me a message that not only
COULD I drive to church but I SHOULD do so.
As I sang with the
choir, unable to play the guitar, I took the opportunity to actually
look out into the congregation. I spied a lady standing in the pews
farthest from me. She reminded me of one of my friends dating back to
elementary school. Long story shorter.... the lady I saw was my grade
school friend. She, her husband and her mother were in town visiting
her brother who is building a house nearby.
To put things in
perspective, I don't think I've seen Debbie since we graduated high
school in 1976 in Bowie, MD. She and her husband now live in New
Jersey. They had no way of knowing I go to the church they decided to
visit this morning, and it was even more interesting that they opted for
the 10:30 Mass, rather than the 8AM one.
It was a true
delight to meet again as adults and we look forward to visiting with
them at our farmette when they return to the area for a vacation at the
end of July....
I say it was a marvelous day.
And so, though I have taken the week off from work so we can FINALLY move into the now completed rehabbed old farmhouse, operating with a broken wrist will likely delay our move, beyond the week....